#31 JOHN MAKOFF Top 100 Santa Rosa Island Mule Deer Bucks
#31 JOHN MAKOFF Top 100 Santa Rosa Island Mule Deer Bucks
In 2010 John ventured to Santa Rosa Island with his son Dillon. Both came for trophy bucks. This was John's third buck hunt on the Island and this monster was his biggest. His son Dillon also shot a 200 Inch muley, a bizarre looking stag. This buck has such a classic, big frame. Wide, heavy, large typical tines, and big eyeguards.
A couple hunts prior to this one, we had seen this buck right at dusk while I was guiding the Brasher's. We were almost to the boundary between Carrington and the Horse pasture, and this buck shows itself. In this open country, you would think we would get another glimpse of it, but no, he melted into the terrain, not to be seen again until John, Dillon and guide Chad Wiebe find it on this fateful day. This photo is also cool since in the background you can see the tip of Santa Cruz Island. Beyond that and nearly 30 miles away is the Santa Barbara and Ventura coastlines of the mainland. Getting quality photos of a trophy is so important to help archive the great memories. Chad was always great in gettting awesome photos of his clients.
Congrats, John, you shot a trophy of a lifetime with MUM!