#96 Santa Rosa Island Mule Deer Buck-- Ken Lund
When Ken shot this buck he had no idea what he had shot. It was the last night of the hunt, and we are getting pretty anxious to shoot...

#97 Santa Rosa Island Mule Deer Buck-- Joe Surprenant
Since this hunt, Joe has become a good friend. We don't have too many clients within a 100 mile radius of Calaveras County, and he...

#98 Santa Rosa Island Mule Deer Buck-- Jay Brasher
On the previous hunt, I had another client on this buck. Somehow he mistook this nontypical buck in velvet for a 170 class hard-horned...

#99 Santa Rosa Island Mule Deer Buck-- Frank Beltrame
Frank was a real character in camp. Being from Chicago, he definitely brought with him his uppermid-west attitude . To say the least, he...

#100 Santa Rosa Island Mule Deer Buck-- John DeFalco
Anyone who ever experienced Santa Rosa Island knows about the winds out there. This hunt was extremely tough due to 30-40 MPH winds. This...

The 101st Biggest Buck on Santa Rosa Island
Starting November 24th, 2014, we are going to start highlighting the biggest bucks harvested on Santa Rosa Island over our 33 year...