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#25 ARTHUR GUTIERREZ Top 100 Santa Rosa Island Mule Deer Bucks

#25 ARTHUR GUTIERREZ Top 100 Santa Rosa Island Mule Deer Bucks

Arthur's 38.5"buck is the widest buck ever shot on Santa Rosa Island. The next closest buck was 36.25" buck that was shot by his cousin Jorge (#32) on this same hunt. Over 2" inches wider than either other buck. This 220 buck was not the biggest buck this tandem of hunters shot on this day either! Arthur's grandson Bobby Sergi shot an even better scoring buck on this fateful day (coming at #7). Now that's wild. Then again, that was how 2006 was. Before we started hunting that year, a few of us, including Chad Wiebe and I went scouting. On that day, we saw at least 6 200" bucks, including this one. We were awed by his width. We asked each other what we thought the tape measure would prove on his width. I was almost afraid to say what I thought. Instead I wrote it with a stick in the dirt, and I put "38.5". When we got back to camp, the others asked what we saw. I think Chad and I looked at each other and merely said, "Oh, we are going to have a great season this year!" What a magical year.

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