#23 RAY WESTALL Top 100 Santa Rosa Island Mule Deer Bucks

#23 RAY WESTALL Top 100 Santa Rosa Island Mule Deer Bucks
This hunt signified Ray's only visit to the Island-- and what a hunt he had! This beast has 8 points to the side and is 32" wide to boot. A full, beautiful coat of velvet doesn't hurt it either. On this same day, Wayne guided Tom Arthur on an even bigger buck (coming soon in the Top 100). Hard to fathom the thought that on one particular day on a 54, 000 acre Island that two 220+ bucks could be harvested. These two bucks getting harvested early in 2008 was also a great sign about the hunting in 2008 since in 2007, the biggest buck we got scored a mere 209. Nobody would sneeze at a 209 buck, but when the next year 2 220 bucks get shot on a single day, it was a good omen about the upcoming hunting season.
Congratulations Ray, on this day in August 2008, you shot a trophy of a lifetime with Multiple Use Managers, Inc.!