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#69 Santa Rosa Island Top 100 Mule Deer Buck- Rich Kerri


Yes, these bucks just keep getting bigger and bigger-- 68 more after Rich's. As far as I'm concerned, this date, Sept 1, 2003 was the date that mule deer hunting on Santa Rosa Island became World-class. On this one morning, two 210+ bucks were harvested. I guided on neither one of them-- Wes on this one, and Wayne on the next one. When they brought these two monsters into camp, our world had just altered a bit. "What had just happened?" What we learned from that day on, the muley hunting on SRI would forever be famous. Those 30 or so Arizona Kaibab deer that got dropped off on the Island in 1929 have finally reached their trophy potential. We had proved that if these deer had enough feed, and the population was managed properly, we could consistently produce deer in this class. Very rewarding work, indeed.

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