#58 GREG FOWLER Top 100 Santa Rosa Island Mule Deer Bucks
What a great frame this buck of Greg's has! Little alone that awesome drop tine on his left antler. Add to that double eyeguards on his right side, and some perfect velvet, this is quite a buck. Though I was on this hunt guiding other clients on this hunt, I barely remember Greg being on the Island or he bringing in this buck. On second thought, that's not all that surprising, since Greg was notorious of having an itchy trigger finger, and shooting the first big buck he saw, and getting off the Island soon thereafter. Holding to form, he shot this buck the first morning of the hunt. Then again, nobody would pass up this buck, no matter when it was during the hunt! True, he may be a very busy businessman, but geez, take an extra day or two out of your hectic schedule and stop to smell the sagebrush and the ocean air! Greg started hunting with MUM back in the mid '90s, not only on SRI, but in northern CA on one of our trophy Columbian black-tailed deer properties. He still has a bigger buck in the Top 100, so this won't be the last time you see his smiling face on this blog. In all, Greg harvested 11 trophy bucks with us on Santa Rosa Island over twelve years. This is his second largest.