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#54 BUZZ MADSEN Top 100 Santa Rosa Island Mule Deer Bucks


This buck is merely a typical 4x4 with a couple small extra points, but what a frame he has. Great tine length and quality mass all the way up the frame. His velvet is also in pristine condition. If you think the buck laying here looks a little strange, or if you wonder why Buzz isn't holding the buck up in the air for a better photo, there is an explanation. Buzz happened to shoot this buck in the skull plate, thus making this buck a variable-width specimen! From what Andrew said during the hunt, all Buzz had as a target was his head, and made a very accurate shot into his brain. When a buck gets shot in the brain, there is no question about the outcome. Oftentimes, when a buck gets shot, it runs off, even if you believe it's going to pile up in some brush 100 yards off. There is always that little period of stress worrying about recovering a buck. Not so on this buck shot by Mr. Madsen.

On bucks like these that have their width compromised, we get a couple guides together and the skinner, and try to reconstruct the skull to the best of our ability. We also had video of this buck from about two weeks early, so we are confident that the 31.5" of width that we attributed to his width is accurate.

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