#21 REN ANDERSON Top 100 Santa Rosa Island Mule Deer Bucks

#21 REN ANDERSON Top 100 Santa Rosa Island Mule Deer Bucks
Two bucks from 2001 made the Top 100. This one with Ren and Frank Beltrame. Both were shot on the same hunt in late August. Ren's buck was easily the biggest buck of 2001. Aside from the forked G3 and G4 you could easily imagine this frame as belonging to a monster whitetail. This buck is so heavy and has such a big frame. The rut is a beautiful thing. Looking back at the statistics, the top five bucks of that year were shot in late October or early November. Where were these bucks in August, September, and most of October? I need to get Will Woolley to comment on this post. Pretty sure this was the biggest buck he had ever seen up this point on the Island. SInce he was a vital member of the family that owned the Island, that is really saying something. While Will never lived full time on the "Rock", he spent plenty of his early years there exploring it. Will only started guiding for us in 2000 ( a story unto itself), and it's hard to think of the hunting program without Mr. Woolley fully involved.